Monday, January 21, 2008

Just one more for today

Well I realize I have outposted myself today, but when I'm on a roll and when I havent posted forever that's what happens. Plus I wanted to try and see if I could post pictures side by side.
Anyway, these are just some random pics of Ash.
No more posts for today, I promise.


The Bullocks said...

Those pictures are so cute. I can't believe all of the snow. so is that cardboard cut into a castle? it looks cute and fun. good job at all of your posts.

Candie said...

How cute!!
You will have to let me know how you got your pics to post side by side.

Ashley said...

I am surprised Ashy likes the snow so much! I thinks it's funny she won't let you do her hair! Leave her alone she already looks cute! When she gets to the ugly stage then you can step in!!